Monday, April 11, 2005

Funny quote

I thought this was a funny quote a friend of mind posts in her emails:

* When you go into court you are putting yourself in the hands
of 12 people that weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty *

True huh? Funny thing is my whole family got summons with in the same week. Luckily my bros and I had moved to different counties. My parents were just dismissed. I probably wouldn't mind to be a jury member just for the experience.

At one point I was considering law as a career when applying to colleges. It was either being a techie or some evil blood sucking lawyer....but without the evilness. I guess that came about when I used to argue my way through elementary school with all my teachers. They'd get frustrated every single time I stump them. They always said I'd make a good attorney. In highschool I was in a prosecution mock trial team for an honors English class(haha...I actually suck at writing). The case was funny though. The case revolved around a book called Lord of the Flies and on Trial was the kid who savagely killed his school mate. The question was should he be acquitted from all charges based on the situation. The stage: These elementary/middle kids were stranded on a deserted island. They've thrown out all their social values and became savages. With no authoritive figure, they managed to organize themselves into two tribes. One thing lead to another and a one classmate kills another classmate. The only threat of the classmate was a voice of a positive conscience to establish order. Ahh...I can go on and on but it was an experience.

My final decision was not become an attorney by the time I applied. Why...cause 90 % percent of the time is writing and re interpreting the law for loop holes. I would like to participate in trials but in reality in law you avoid trials at every cost. It consumes money and time. Law really revolves around money. But if there is a real legitimate purpose....I may consider it in the future.


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