Friday, May 26, 2006

Bay 2 Breakers 2006

I should have posted this last week but enjoy.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Funny Quote of The Week

person1:"Where are you from?"
person2:"I'm from here"

Thanks Pat that cracked me up!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Freakn Allergies

Ok I guess it's allergy season. The lamest season. My eyes water as though I look like I'm about to cry, throat iches, and snot comes out of my nose as though I have a reservoir in my head. The question is should I take clariton and feel all drowsy or should I just put up with this crap?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Computer Engineer Professor Jihad terrorist

There's a computer engineer professor at the University of Southern Florida that's a high ranking member of a militant Middle Eastern group. WTF !!!. One he's giving engineers like I a bad name. Two if he hates the US so much to lead Jihad terrorism against the US then why live, get educated, and dedicate his profession in the US. Hypocritical? It's a good thing they caught him and put him in to protective custody cause I would have gone all Jihad on his freakn computer!