Sunday, July 10, 2005

Stuff that sucks

Don't you just hate it when things just suck?

Here's my list of things that suck.
1. country music
2. stupid people that ask a question that was already asked before
3. questions that could already be answered doing a google search
4. people who take advantage of your generosity
5. Britney I need to say more?
6. tiping waiters that don't deserve a tip
7. homework
8. telemarketers who wake you up at 6am in the morning on a saturday....(I really thing they deserve a beat down)
9. waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom
10. famous multi million dollar music bands sueing 10 year old kids for copying their mp3's
11. flossing
12. hangovers
13. freaken hot ass days
14. 20 bucks to get into a club, 40 bucks for drinks, and 10 bucks for food afterwards
15. classes before noon
16. judge Judy is a bitch
17. people who suck are on the cover of rolling stones
18. a missing semi colon in a computer program
19. bay area traffic
20. nothing to do
21. stupid reality tv shows
22. infomertials
23. people trying to teach you things you already know how to
24. hippies
25. losing important stuff
26. Olsen twins


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur!

July 15, 2005 2:23 PM


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