Friday, April 28, 2006

The stupidest Harvard student

Ok it turns out this chick who's a sophomore at Harvard published a book. This book she published basically has the same sequence of events and similarities of characters as another book but with different names . And then she has the audacity to publish it not thinking no one would notice it????? She think the public is that stupid???? How the F#$%@#$% did she get into Harvard any way? I bet she plagerized her personal statement and stole someone elses SAT answers.


Blogger Rico said...

update: It also turns out that she may have copied text from TWO books.

Can you say stupid Harvard girl X 2?

May 02, 2006 8:32 AM

Blogger Anitatab said...

Those weirdo Harvard Chicks! Geez...pffft

May 02, 2006 5:37 PM


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