Thursday, January 26, 2006

My first NBA basketball game

My first NBA basketball game courtesy of one of my VP's who came out from Texas. It was the Golden State Warriors vs the Houston Mavericks. So I guess I went to go SEE the game but really I spent more time observing everything else around me. Sorry I've never really been much of a sports fan....I'd rather join the game than watch by standing on the side lines with my beer gut hanging out painted with the teams colors ....just my opinion :-). But anyway here are some of my interesting observations:

* Why do basketball coaches wear suits and football coaches wear jeans/jacket? Baseball coaches wear their own teams uniform...

* The ideal basketball cheerleader seems to be gaunt and anorexic compared to football cheerleaders.

* Basketball fans tend to pay particualar attention on looking more business casual...does mean you'll see more attractive people.........but dress up for a basketball game?

* They have a live band!

* Their garlic parmesian fries need less oil and more cooking

*DO NOT SIT next to white trash. They will spoil the atmosphere regardless if they are fans of the winning team. Do not make any eye contact if they are fans of the losing team. They're generally in the mood to physically take their anger out on someone especially after they have guzzled 8 drinks of the cheapest alcohol beverage they can get their hands on.

Other than that it was an experience.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Bathroom Man

Ever gone to a club or bar and after you do whatever you need to do and wash your hands you reach over to grab a paper towel and there are none and some dude hands you one? First time I saw that I thought how convenient it was. But then it just gets annoying. I don't need someone to help me pour soap on my hands and dry my hands. I can do that myself. And then you feel obligated to give them a tip.

Another puzzling thing is where do they come from? Are they an actual employee of the club? If so he must have been interviewed for the position as the "Bathroom Man". What do you ask in an interview like this? How many hands have you poured soap on? How many pieces of paper towels have you passed out? What do you do in a situation when two people need paper towels at the same time? What would the Bathroom Man have on a resume...I mean he's got to work his way up to fancy clubs right? Maybe something like the local Mc Donalds to Studio 55 catering to the biggest stars. Do they travel to other countries as well? I was in London and the idea of "Bathroom Man" seems to be catching on there to.

But seriously .... It's getting annoying .... Can't I just pee in peace without having to worry about whether or not I have change to give a man money to dry my hands?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I got my parents a GPS

I kind of got it late but I decided to get my parents a GPS navigation system for Christmas. So it came in today and arrived at their door step. They give me a call at work and asked if I had bought a map. I'm think ... a map why would they think that...or even call me at work to ask if I had bought a map. Well it turns out they were referring to the navigation system..... and in the package was the receipt :-(. I honestly couldn't tell if my mom was pissed because I spent a ridiculous amount of money for a top of the line electronic gadget or happy to get something really high tech. (keep in mind my parents just learned how to turn on a computer a month ago and this week they just learned about the internet). I was trying to explain to my mom that she would never get lost visiting her uncle in San Jose or visiting my brother in San Francisco. (my uncle has lived in the exact same place for 30 years and still seems to get lost to his house every weekend). Also this meant the end of printing door to door maps off of mapsquest for my parents ;-) So I decided to take her out for a drive to show her how it works. The device seems to be pretty accurate ... in a ladies voice it tells you what streets to turn on, how far away the next turn is, the closest gas station,'s pretty cool. Now my mom thinks it's just incredibly magic and starts trying to see if she can have a conversation with the GPS navigation device.......after I told her that the voice prompts are all pre-programmed she becomes puzzled. I finally tell her that the little box with a screen doesn't have any ears and only has a mouth then finally understood what I was trying to say. By the end she realized how practical this little device is and was very happy.

Moving Sux

Guess what I'm doing this weekend. I'm helping my parents move from one house to another. Not fun. My parents are low key pack rats. What I mean is if you walk into the house you wouldn't really think they're pack rats until you check out the attic or the garage. That's where you would find 5 type writers 4 computers car parts from cars owned like 20 years ago and such.....and then check out a house warming party :-). If there's time and the weather is calm maybe pick up the old surf board and hit the waves...I haven't done that in 7 months.

Monday, January 16, 2006


For Christmas and New Years I decided to tag a long with the group and head out to Spain and London. It was awesome! It was the first time I was in Europe which meant I needed to get a passport for the first time. In all, there were like 7 of us in Spain and like 10 of us in London and managed to coordinate all of our arrivals and stay at a flat in London thanks to Christy.

The picture to the left was Travis's idea to cram into a urine infested phone booth that has phone sex advertisement posted all over. I really don't think phone booths get appropriately used now a days except when a bunch of tourists get this crazy idea to cram themselves into one and take a picture. That is one funny picture!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

You are what you eat part2

After going on the little eating spree and traveling around Atlanta, Spain, and London I gained 7 pounds. Not bad compared to Mr. Super Size Me. He gained like 25 pounds eating junk food. Kathryn managed to lose 5 pounds... yay good for her. She didn't really need to cause she looks gorgeous anyway :-). Well it's back to working out 4 times a week now.